Monday, May 10, 2010

Stress Level: Level up!


For those who are wondering, last prior weekend we had du-ra-ma-su and we're now lvl 9 again and a huge shrunk in clan size (and we're still 9 LOL) as much as I miss the green label on my head, its a hell lot easier to interact with people now I find. Yang is leaving for a trip in a week and we're all going to miss him greatly. No more old man jokes nuuuuuzz!! D: I have a lot of re-thinking to do about this game cause I don't think I can treat this game the same as before :/ I also don't think I can trust people anymore (I already have trust issues to begin with...) after that incident especially. NM Dais are the only thing I do now cause their so much fun and... most importantly, I can SEW between the camping. Yes, that means I can play and do homework and fun stuff like that.

Gained experience in Stress Level.

I also haven't had a chance to sew due to retarded family problems. Durrrrrr... So I have 1 week exactly to finish 3 costumes. GOD WISH ME LUCK. D: I'm about to abort the abyss set for AN and use it for private shoots and go with Sera's Nocturne set (with paddle). I WUV MY PADDLE! *paddles* But Sushi would kill me if I did that >.>

Gained experience in Stress Level.

I do have good news and bad news at the same time. Remember my last post where I applied for the web & graphic design job? Well, I pretty much got it. :D I'm just waiting for my employer to get back to me on the details and for me to go in and do the paper works. Ontop of it, if I finish my University this year, I can get a full time position over there after graduating. It's awesome news! With one slight minor problem: Working at 2 part time jobs (in two cities) + full time school = Even Deader Ayu x.x

But but D: I need the experience and moneys~~~~ So I don't plan to quit either of them. I'm just going to shut up and deal with it and use every ounce of will power I got left in me to pull this off (for a year). That just means you may never see me on Megaten starting September..................................... nuuuuuu!!! D:

Gained experience in Stress Level.
Stress Level: Level up!


  1. *kidnaps* yup, this makes a good excuse o.o;

  2. not retiring D: nevahhhh~~ just breaking for now due to school x.x

    and who darez kidnapz me without using a cookie o.o
